Sheila and Nanci - Around the World

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bali Bali Bali

Bali Bali Bali -“ S wonderful, S marvelous…you make my life feel so glamorous.”
SS Notes:

I love the way the women walk with their straight backs , their  necks upright able to balance a fruit bowl on their  heads while their feet glide; never – never hastening- nor, ever slowing the pace……maintaining an even stride.


  Our Friend Rosey warned us about turning up at temples without a sarong.....did we listen?  NO! So we have the rent-a look!!!

We love your Hindu celebrations and lucky us arriving  the week of a full moon where everyone, parents , grand parents, children and all….took to the temples around four in the afternoon and stayed late into the night.  Women and men alike all dressed in pretty sarongs, lacy over blouses and Nehru jackets. Everyone was adorned with colorful sashes a requirement for temple entry.

Thank you Balinese women for showing me the world of difference in my walk by just making a little adjustment  with the dropping of my left arm and subtly placing the back of my wrist against the small of my back as I walk …I can restore the wiggle in my waddle…from time to time.
We love your beautiful smiles
We love the morning placement of offering in front of the door inviting good spirits, warding of evil spirits.

Beach Day- Note no bikini's!!


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