Sheila and Nanci - Around the World

Monday, October 18, 2010

Myanmar-Bangkok and More

It is time to wrap up our Myanmar experience which was quite amazing and we recommend it to anyone who really wants a south east Asia experience that is authentic and rolled back about 50 years. 

Bring in the fresh catch at the end of the day

Everyone lives on the lake

Neil- found his grove!

This is what we remember the most

young monks in training

Nanci below is at home with the local men's club where we stop at the 189 th temple on the trip so far.  She sits with them sharing tea with me chanting  in the background, "don't drink the water unless it is boiling." 

On a trip like this your sense of caution wears down....but we have to keep going and there is no time lay out...every day brings a new adventure

Nanc at home with the local "men's club" in temple 189

Master weaver who started at 6 years old
We were 

We caught a floating pogoda parade, which only happens once every year.  Our team was the pink team.


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