Sheila and Nanci - Around the World

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dubai-why oh why Dubai????

Sheila here:

Why Dubai?  I have asked myself that question a few times. Most people including myself don’t know where it is, let alone fly half way around the world to see it.  A few days before our scheduled trip I had to look at a map to pin point exactly where it is located. Look hard, it is on the other side of Saudi Arabia.

Fact is, we just wanted to see the most talked about city in the world. Even though it has been around for hundreds of years; we were more interested in the “here and now” and we wanted to see what a contemporary city that rises up out the sand looks like. Traveling around the world and witnessing wonderful antiquity, we wanted to see what modern man is creating.  We wanted to see the city where they turn salt water into drinking water for a million plus people every day.

We took an express trip, 3 nights and 2 days.  On arrival, there were 3,000 plus people arriving at midnight.  The temperatures in Dubai rises over 100 degrees Fahrenheit every day, but fortunately for us it was in the upper 80’s for a brief moment and our short trip kept us in air conditioning most of the time.  We spent one night in the desert, a must do.  We then spent the next night at the over the top, grandiose, high-flying, extravagant Burj Al Arab. It was a once in a life-time experience. It was to be the grand finale of Nanci 70th Birthday Celebration and it was indeed, a grand finale

We promise no more mention of the birthday.  This is it.  This is the end of that song.  We’ve ridden it long enough.  However, may we all be as hardy as Nanci when we are 70.  She is amazing gliding through this trip like a teenager. 

Hello and Bye-bye Dubai.  I know, I will never see you again, but I sure think your people are wonderful and I wish you all the success that you deserve.  Thanks for creating so much work and opportunity for so many wonderful young people.  We are impressed! And special thanks to our dear friend Ken for pushing us to make the trip.
You were right, we will never forget our trip to Dubai.

Power lines preparing the desert for more development

Water, I tell you , I need water!!!!!!!

No...I am not geetting on, are you? is a hard landing.

Nervous at first, the bird cost $50,000.00 
Good Shot- Nanci
Great kind and thoughtful...
We've seen these clothes before!!!
The most amazing hotel in the world!!!!!
Glam---top to botton

Not our dinner tonight!

The lasst birthday cake!


  1. amazing. amazing and over the top. Although I did think Nanci looked greet in the 'salon' of the suite! And as far as the guy with the hawk in the night...can you get hold of him and if you can't bring him back to San Miguel at least tell him that I feel in love with him immediately. Sort of a Majnun/Majnun kind of thing...ahhhhhhh

  2. hmmmm...I should have proof read my post. greet=great and feel in love was actually meant to be fell in love, but feel in love sounds like fun, too, so there you are

  3. You girls are having too much fun, I can't wait to hear the details. See you in January.
